Events and Activities in Northwest New Jersey

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Spring officially began March 20 as the sun crossed the plane of Earth’s equator—the Vernal Equinox—bringing day and night into perfect balance.


Friday, 28; Blairstown

DAMN TALL BUILDINGS. Appalachian roots music 8pm. 30 Main Street.

Roy’s Hall; 908/362-1399

Saturday, 29; Sussex

Friends of Lusscroft Farm; 973/940-8855


Saturday, 5;

TROUT SEASON OPENS. Don’t forget your 2025 fishing license! More...

Saturday, 5; Hope

WHAT'S UP IN THE APRIL SKY?. Astronomy presentation followed by observing sessions, weather permitting. 8pm. UACNJ Observatory at Jenny Jump State Park.

United Astronomy Clubs of NJ; 908/459-4366

Saturday, 5; Readington Twp.

EARTH DAY FESTIVAL. Celebrate our planet with a day full of fun and learning, engaging local environmental organizations, arts and crafts projects, 9:30am - 2:30pm. Free. th Park, West Woodschurch Road.

Hunterdon County Parks; 908/782-1158

Sunday, 6; Lebanon

18TH CENTURY CLOTHING . Historians Bev Altrath and Arlene Soong will provide a fun and insightful look into what exactly went on under all those 18th century petticoats. 1 - 4pm. Free. Bouman Stickney Farmstead, 114 Dreahook Road. More...

Readington Museums; 908/236-2327

Sunday, 6; Sussex

ANNUAL VERNAL POOL EXPLORATION. Visit vernal pools to explore these habitats and learn why these sites are important to many species of amphibians, reptils, insects, and other wildlife. 2 - 3:30pm. Free, donation requested. P.O. Box 7191. More...

Friends of Lusscroft Farm; 973/940-8855

Saturday, 12; Blairstown

MARTIN BARRE. The legendary Jethro Tull guitarist 8pm. 30 Main Street.

Roy’s Hall; 908/362-1399

Saturday, 12; Hillsborough

MAP & COMPASS NAVIGATION. Compass use in the field, map reading including understanding contour lines, orienteering techniques. 9am - 5pm. $150. 80 Route 206. More...

Duke Farms; 908/722-3700

Saturday, 12; Hope

NOPE! FIVE COMMON CONSPIRACY THEORIES. Astronomy presentation by Paul Fischer, NWJAA, followed byobserving sessions, weather permitting. 8pm. UACNJ Observatory at Jenny Jump State Park.

United Astronomy Clubs of NJ; 908/459-4366

Saturday, 12; Hope

LIFE AND DEATH OF STARS. Astronomy presentation by Lonny Buinis, RVCC, followed byobserving sessions, weather permitting. 8pm. UACNJ Observatory at Jenny Jump State Park.

United Astronomy Clubs of NJ; 908/459-4366

Saturday, 12-13; Bound Brook

Friends of the Abraham Staats House

Wednesday, 16; Allamuchy

Rutherfurd Hall; 908/852-1894

Friday, 18; Blairstown

YARN. 8pm. 30 Main Street.

Roy’s Hall; 908/362-1399

Saturday, 19; Ringwood

EARLY SPRING WILDFLOWER WALK. Join Darlene Nowak in checking out the early bloomers in the woodlands of the Wildflower Garden 1pm. $5. 20 Morris Rd.. More...

Skylands Botanical Gardens; 973/962-7031

Saturday, 19; Ringwood

LILAC GARDEN WORKSHOP. During the Volunteer Open House, you’re invited to join volunteers in the Lilac Garden for a workshop and information on one of NJBG’s most popular spring blooms. 10am - 12pm. $5; children under 12 free.. 20 Morris Rd.. More...

Skylands Botanical Gardens; 973/962-7031

Saturday, 19; Ringwood

EASTER FAMILY WOODLAND HIK. Weather permitting; you can climb to the Mt. Defiance overlook and return, or choose our alternate hike without a climb. 2pm. Free. 20 Morris Rd.. More...

Skylands Botanical Gardens; 973/962-7031

Saturday, 19-20; Ringwood

Skylands Botanical Gardens; 973/962-7031

Tuesday, 22;


Thursday, 24-4; Hackettstown

CARRIE. Based on the Stephen King novel. Lackland Center, 715 Grand Ave..

Centenary Stage Company; 908/979-0900

Friday, 25; North Branch

THE KINGS OF QUEEN. Tribute band. 7:30pm. Rt. 28 and Lamington Road.

The Theatre at RVCC; 908/725-3420

Saturday, 26; Blairstown

THE JOE CIROTTI TRIO. Ten-Year Anniversary Celebration 8pm. 30 Main Street.

Roy’s Hall; 908/362-1399

Saturday, 26; Ringwood

SPRING WILDFLOWER WALK. Join Darlene Nowak in checking out the many delightful spring bloomers in the woodlands of the Wildflower Garden!  Wear sturdy shoes, meet at the Carriage House. Rain cancels. 1pm. $5; children under 12 free.. 20 Morris Rd.. More...

Skylands Botanical Gardens; 973/962-7031

Saturday, 26; Ringwood

LILAC CARE WORKSHOP. Enjoy the lush lilac sights and scents as you work with us in the Lilac Garden. 10am - 12pm. Free. 20 Morris Rd.. More...

Skylands Botanical Gardens; 973/962-7031

Saturday, 26; Washington

ROCK N ROLL STEAMPUNK FAIR. Steampunk vendors, jewelry, clothing, fabulous costumes and so much more! Live music from This Way to the Egress, Dust Bowl Faeries, Durty Rotten Parrots, A Halo Called Fred. 10am - 5pm. Washington Ave.

Washington Business Improvement District; 908/689-4800

Sunday, 27; Morristown

Morris County Historical Society; 973/267-3465

Sunday, 27; Ringwood

Skylands Botanical Gardens; 973/962-7031

Upcoming Events...

Ongoing Programs and Events

Peters Valley School of Craft, Layton

19 Kuhn Road. ; 973/948-5202

Peters Valley School of Craft, Layton

19 Kuhn Road. ; 973/948-5202

Gallery 23, Blairstown

Work by Ellen Mulligan (left) nd Sandy Pancrazi (right) featured at Gallery 23

23 Main Street. ; 908/362-6865

NJAA Observatory, High Bridge

Weekends • ASTRONOMY PROGRAMS. New Jersey Astronomical Association Observatory is open to the public every weekend from Memorial Day to Halloween. Saturday evening programs begin at 8:30 PM and include a tour of the facility and public viewing of planets/deep space objects through the 26" telescope, as well as other smaller scopes. On Sunday afternoons from 2-5 PM, the public is invited to look at sun spots through the 10" scope equipped with special solar filters. For additional information, call or visit NJAA’swebsite.

Voorhees State Park, Rt. 513. ; 908/638-8500

United Astronomy Clubs of NJ, Hope

Above, the Rosette Nebula is approximately 130 light years in diameter and 5,000 light years from Earth. Young stars at the center excite the surrounding hydrogen gas and cause it to glow. The photograph was taken at the UACNJ site in Jenny Jump State Forest by Gregg Waldron, MMAS

Jenny Jump State Park. ; 908/459-4366

Pequest Trout Hatchery and Natural Resource Education Center , Oxford

; 908/637-4125

Morristown National Historical Park Morristown

30 Washington Place; 973/539-2016 x210

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