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Spring officially began March 20 as the sun crossed the plane of Earth’s equator—the Vernal Equinox—bringing day and night into perfect balance.
Friday, 28; Blairstown
DAMN TALL BUILDINGS. Appalachian roots music 8pm. 30 Main Street.
MAPLE SUGARING OPEN HOUSE AND BARN SALE. Live demonstrations of how to tap the maple trees, collect the sap, and make the delicious syrup. Fresh maple syrup available for purchase, as well as items for sale in the barn and cottage. Fun for the whole family! Funds raised from syrup sales go to ongoing restoration projects at this historic farm. Presented by The Heritage and Agriculture Association, Inc., in cooperation with the NJ DEP/Div. of Parks & Forestry. 10am - 3pm. Free admission.. 50 Neilson Road.
TROUT SEASON OPENS. Don’t forget your 2025 fishing license! More...
Saturday, 5; Hope
WHAT'S UP IN THE APRIL SKY?. Astronomy presentation followed by observing sessions, weather permitting. 8pm. UACNJ Observatory at Jenny Jump State Park.
EARTH DAY FESTIVAL. Celebrate our planet with a day full of fun and learning, engaging local environmental organizations, arts and crafts projects, 9:30am - 2:30pm. Free. th Park, West Woodschurch Road.
Hunterdon County Parks; 908/782-1158
Sunday, 6; Lebanon
18TH CENTURY CLOTHING . Historians Bev Altrath and Arlene Soong will provide a fun and insightful look into what exactly went on under all those 18th century petticoats. 1 - 4pm. Free. Bouman Stickney Farmstead, 114 Dreahook Road. More...
ANNUAL VERNAL POOL EXPLORATION. Visit vernal pools to explore these habitats and learn why these sites are important to many species of amphibians, reptils, insects, and other wildlife. 2 - 3:30pm. Free, donation requested. P.O. Box 7191. More...
NOPE! FIVE COMMON CONSPIRACY THEORIES. Astronomy presentation by Paul Fischer, NWJAA, followed byobserving sessions, weather permitting. 8pm. UACNJ Observatory at Jenny Jump State Park.
LIFE AND DEATH OF STARS. Astronomy presentation by Lonny Buinis, RVCC, followed byobserving sessions, weather permitting. 8pm. UACNJ Observatory at Jenny Jump State Park.
BATTLE OF BOUND BROOK. Living History at the Abraham Staats House remembers Washington’s army at Middlebrook with American and British soldiers re-enacting battles in street and field, Colonial crafters, encampment, children’s activities, special programs and tours and more. 17 Steuben Lane. More...
THE LONG GOODBYE: THE FINAL DAYS OF FDR AND LUCY MERCER RUTHERFURD. An insightful and moving lecture by historian Joan Leckie Salvas, as she unravels one of the most poignant and little-known chapters in American history—the final days of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his lasting connection to Lucy Mercer Rutherfurd. 4pm. 1686 Route 517. More...
EARLY SPRING WILDFLOWER WALK. Join Darlene Nowak in checking out the early bloomers in the woodlands of the Wildflower Garden 1pm. $5. 20 Morris Rd.. More...
LILAC GARDEN WORKSHOP. During the Volunteer Open House, you’re invited to join volunteers in the Lilac Garden for a workshop and information on one of NJBG’s most popular spring blooms. 10am - 12pm. $5; children under 12 free.. 20 Morris Rd.. More...
EASTER FAMILY WOODLAND HIK. Weather permitting; you can climb to the Mt. Defiance overlook and return, or choose our alternate hike without a climb. 2pm. Free. 20 Morris Rd.. More...
EARTH DAY WEEKEND CELEBRATION. There’s no better way to celebrate than with a visit to NJBG, where you’ll find the beauty of nature and a soothing respite from this busy world, plus a number of special programs. $5. 20 Morris Rd.. More...
SPRING WILDFLOWER WALK. Join Darlene Nowak in checking out the many delightful spring bloomers in the woodlands of the Wildflower Garden! Wear sturdy shoes, meet at the Carriage House. Rain cancels. 1pm. $5; children under 12 free.. 20 Morris Rd.. More...
ROCK N ROLL STEAMPUNK FAIR. Steampunk vendors, jewelry, clothing, fabulous costumes and so much more! Live music from This Way to the Egress, Dust Bowl Faeries, Durty Rotten Parrots, A Halo Called Fred. 10am - 5pm. Washington Ave.
HISTORY IN MOTION CAR SHOW. Dozens of classic cars, muscle cars, antique cars, hot rods, and exotic cars, foreign and domestic, will be on display. Music by Golden Gup from his custom pink 1965 Ford F-100. 9am - 3pm. Free. The Westin Governor Morris. More...
Morris County Historical Society; 973/267-3465
Sunday, 27; Ringwood
AUDUBON: SPRING NATURE WALK. Don Torino of the Bergen County Audubon Society will lead you on a walk through the Botanical Garden to look for early spring birds visiting NJBG, as well as the many different species that inhabit our region. 10am. Free. 20 Morris Rd.. More...
January 15-April 15 • ONLINE WORKSHOPS. Peters Valley is excited to offer some innovative online workshops in the fall, winter & spring. Workshops will be added to the calendar on a regular basis and will complement our in-person learning. Register online.
March 15-April 20 • SECOND CAREER MAKERS. The exhibit highlights the work of individuals who have either held a previous career before transitioning into a full time maker or are balancing a career alongside their creative practices. We aim to highlight the deep and storied backgrounds that often contribute to an artists process as well as gain insights into the steps one may take if they are planning to transition into making full time. We’re pleased to be showcasing ceramics, woodworking, collage, textiles, jewelry, blacksmithing, glass, and more in this well rounded display. There are 53 artists represented in this exhibition.
Work by Ellen Mulligan (left) nd Sandy Pancrazi (right) featured at Gallery 23
April 1-April 30 • FEATURED ARTISTS. The month of April will showcase ceramic artist, Ellen Mulligan and potter, Sandy Pancrazi.
Mulligan enjoys “making mugs; bowls, plates and platters. I like to imagine my pots stacked in the dishwasher – sturdy, dirty and well-used. The idea of my pieces being invited to your table is what makes this all so special to me.”
Sandy Pancrazi works out of her basement studio in northern New Jersey making functional pottery in earthenware and stoneware.
Both artists will offer 10% off any one item with a coupon at checkout during the month of April
23 Main Street. ; 908/362-6865
NJAA Observatory, High Bridge
Weekends • ASTRONOMY PROGRAMS. New Jersey Astronomical Association Observatory
is open to the public every weekend from Memorial Day to Halloween.
evening programs begin at 8:30 PM and include a tour of the facility and public
viewing of planets/deep space objects through the 26" telescope, as well as
other smaller scopes. On Sunday afternoons from 2-5 PM, the public is invited
to look at sun spots through the 10" scope equipped with special solar filters.
For additional information, call or visit NJAA’swebsite.
Above, the Rosette Nebula is approximately 130 light years in diameter and 5,000 light years from Earth. Young stars at the center excite the surrounding hydrogen gas and cause it to glow. The photograph was taken at the UACNJ site in Jenny Jump State Forest by Gregg Waldron, MMAS
Saturdays • ASTRONOMY TALKS. Presentations
followed by observing sessions, weather permitting, at the UACNJ Observatory located 1,100 feet above sea level in Jenny Jump State Forest. The site is one of the few dark sky locations left in the state and features several permanently mounted telescopes from a 7-inch APO refractor to a 16-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain.
Weekends • THE PEQUEST TROUT HATCHERY AND NATURAL RESOURCE EDUCATION CENTER hosts a series of programs about the natural world around us for young and old alike. Preregistration is usually required. Topics range from a child’s first introduction to nature to seminars for expert fly fishers.
The Washington’s
Headquarters Museum includes includes three exhibit galleries, a 30-minute introductory video, and the Discover History Center. Tours of Fords Mansion are available at 10 and 11am and at 1, 2, 3 and 4pm.