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March 19 - 26

Balancing Act

Photo: Dan Bacon
It’s here! Spring officially begins tomorrow (March 20) as the sun crosses the plane of Earth’s equator—the Vernal Equinox—bringing day and night into perfect balance. These gentle days stir the blood, while the sweet sounds, enticing scents, constant temptations, and relentless optimism all signal that the new season has arrived.
Here's your essential guide to the adventures ahead. Keep our calendar close! It's filled with events that will help navigate this most gratifying of seasons. And go take a walk, it's Spring!

Schooley's Elusive Spirit

Mysteries of the woods: the Swack church ruins.
Running northeast for twenty miles from Glen Gardner to Lake Hopatcong, Schooley’s Mountain’s steep sides rise to a broad top between the Musconetcong River and, for most of its length, the South Branch of the Raritan. The mountain presents a dichotomy of striking scenes from the past, interspersed with groups of modern homes and stores. The mountain’s southern portion holds routes worthy of exploring, hamlets for artists to ponder, and natural areas for hikers, all shrouded in tantalizing lore that begs a historian’s query. Read on...

In the Loop

Signs of the workings at Ford Mine remain around this pond in Jefferson, which, at the surface of a former shaft, reaches depths of several hundred feet.
Present or past, time in Jefferson Township is easy to enjoy. You can get a feel for northwest corner of Morris County and have a nice afternoon adventure on a loop more or less around Bowling Green Mountain, starting in and up the Berkshire Valley to Petersburg, over the mountain through Milton and Jefferson (town), and back through the Weldon Brook Valley along Weldon Road towards Lake Hopatcong. Drive it!

Both Sides Now

Stone lime kiln along River Road near Carpentersville.
Follow the narrow, twisting back roads along both shores of the Delaware River -- from Phillipsburg south to Milford in New Jersey, and Upper Black Eddy back north to Easton in Pennsylvania -- through countryside rich in local history and lore, old hamlets of which little trace remains, past quaint homes and natural wonders along the way.

Thanks for joining us in our appreciation of Northwest New Jersey and all the brilliant ways to get out and enjoy the pleasures of the season. Tap our calendar for the best events for you and your family, or check our current stories. Pick from a multitude of daytrip itineraries and watch out for our virtual efforts to keep you informed. For the more aerobically inclined, the Outdoor Map shows the way to go, or choose among dozens of natural attractions or outdoor activities suggested on our website.
Like many other small, independent and specialized information sources, our budget will increasingly rely on reader donations. Help us keep you informed about all the great stuff to do in and around Northwest New Jersey! If you like what we offer, we hope you'll consider a contribution.

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