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October 26 - November 3

Everything is Orangeful!

Orangeness overtakes the shores of Ghost Lake in Jenny Jump Forest.
Halloween means chilly days and barren limbs are not far ahead, so get out and tear up the terrain this weekend. Check our calendar for local tricks and treats.

Taste Test

On Saturday (Oct. 29) the eleventh annual Sussex County Harvest, Honey and Garlic Festival will celebrate the agriculture, heritage and outdoor attributes of New Jersey's Great Northwest. The event will include a farmers market, family games and activities, and displays with information from environmental, agricultural and heritage organizations including the Sussex County Beekeepers Association, who will have educational displays and materials along with an array of honey products. And those who love all things garlic will have plenty to choose from with the Garden State Garlic Growers. The free, family oriented event runs from 10am - 4pm at the Sussex County Fairgrounds, 37 Plains Road in Augusta. Click here for more details.

Roads Best Traveled

The historic and scenic river towns of Easton, Portland, Columbia, Belvidere and Phillipsburg all merit in-depth exploration of their own, but this forty-eight-mile loop tour emphasizes the old roads connecting them.

Homeward Bound on the Morris Canal

Morris Canal Lock #7 West at New Village.
Read about a canal boat captain and her two daughters as they navigate the Morris Canal in June, 1863. With your imagination properly stimulated, make time to introduce yourself to Lock 7 West, also known as Bread Lock, as home made potato bread and pies were sold at a little shack located at the foot of the lock. At today's Bread Lock Park, located on Route 57E (mile marker 4) in New Village, a short section of the canal towpath and canal prism has been cleared and offers a lovely walk. The park is one of many sites along the Warren County Canal Greenway.
The Morris Canal Greenway is a continuously expanding project to preserve the 102-mile route of the Morris Canal across New Jersey. By connecting points of interest along the canal throughout local communities and serving as a corridor of open space across northern NJ, the Greenway offers a unique educational, travel, and recreational experience along the historic towpath trail. You can plan your trip by referring to a handy collection of downloadable brochures from the Canal Society of New Jersey, each tailored to a specific destination along the former canal route.

Welcome to Kinney Land!

Built on a tiny Lake Kinnelon island in 1886, St. Hubert’s Chapel is accessible only by boat. Photo: Corrine Kline
It began with a tobacco fortune and country retreat carved out of New Jersey hills and farmland. From high elevations — socially, financially and geologically speaking — the Kinney family, founders of the Kinney Tobacco Company, could look back toward New York City, where the money was made. Read more!

Park Place

One day this fall you are likely to find yourself headed to New Jersey’s northernmost corner in search of autumn adventure. You may be guided by way of either of two well-known parks; both the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area and High Point State Park are automatic answers for where to go for memorable vistas, scenic hikes through brisk autumn air, or drives shrouded in seasonal color and rural mystique. The parks converge at the top of the state in the township of Montague, and although few visitors care what zip code they’re in, some exploration beyond the park borders can be quickly rewarded.

Tap our calendar for the best events for you and your family, or check our current stories. Pick from a multitude of daytrip itineraries and watch out for our virtual efforts to keep you informed. For the more aerobically inclined, the Outdoor Map shows the way to go, or choose among dozens of natural attractions or outdoor activities suggested on our website. Choose your own adventure!
Northwest New Jersey and destinations just beyond those borders, in Pennsylvania and New York, offer brilliant ways to get out and enjoy the pleasures of the season.
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