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June 8 - 15

It wouldn't be a stretch to say this cold, wet spring left something to be desired. But here comes the sun, so take advantage of a schedule full of intriguing things for you and your family to enjoy. Or choose among dozens of natural attractions or outdoor activities suggested on our website. How can you complain?

Lavender Hills

Saturday's (June 10, 3:30 - 7pm) Concert and Coffee in the Park features sparkling local entertainment from guitarist/ singer/songwriter Brandon Broderick and the Firth Youth Center Twirlers. Food, vendors, refreshments will be available, but bring lawn chairs/blankets for this fundraiser for Lavender Hills Education, whose teachers, administrators, counselors, and support staff work together to meet the intellectual, social, behavioral, and emotional needs of special needs students. Tickets (donation) are $15 until June 9, $20 door. Washington Park and Pool, Broad Street in Washington Borough; 973/335-7080

Locked In

On Saturday (June 10), ParkFest will include an ambitious array of activity: a Jazz in the Park lawn concert, author’s alley, local history displays, art show, classic cars, food vendors and more. The festival location is Bread Lock Park along Warren County's Morris Canal Greenway, named from the days when the lock tender's wife baked and sold fresh bread to the passing canal boats, giving Lock No. 7 West its nickname. 2627 Rt. 57 in Stewartsville, 908/475-6539

Field Hands

June is the season for Strawberries!
As June progresses, so does the season of berries, the best-loved fruits of summer. Beginning with the strawberries and languishing until the frosts of October, there is ample opportunity for berry-lovers to get out and savor the goodness of a native fruit. More juicy details...
For immediate gratification, take a ride to the Sussex County Strawberry Farm at 565 Rt 206 N, Andover. Call 973/579-5055 to see what's ripe!
Or check the New Jersey Department of Agriculture Jersey Fresh, for farmers' markets, roadside stands, and "pick-your-own" operations near you!

Party Like It’s 1870!

On Saturday (June 10), downtown businesses and organizations will host outdoor vendors of antique and vintage goods and other exhibits and activities, including an auto and truck show during Lafayette Day. All this will be accompanied by food and live music. Many interesting properties in Lafayette’s historic business district have been adapted for specialty retail use, including the Lafayette Mill Antiques Center, an old mill that houses antiques dealers. The Rt. 15 and Morris Farm Rd Lafayette; 973/383-6057 .

The Right Time

White Lake awaits. (Jacob Bryant)
White Lake reveals all the layers that make a place really interesting. The swans that grace the water's sparkling surface, the feisty fish beneath, and the surrounding fields and forest are immediately captivating to the casual observer. The white streaks on the lake's bottom consist of marl, are prehistoric deposits of aquatic shells. Now under the stewardship of the Ridge and Valley Conservancy, one of a series of Moonlight Paddles will be hosted this Friday, June 9, with a limited number of kayaks available on a first-come, first-served basis. For your GPS, White Lake is located at 97 Stillwater Road (Rt. 521), Blairstown, 07825 .

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